Tuesday, November 3, 2009

love all~

i love pop;
because of pulp..pulp said.. "love life"
jarvis is the one of macho voice ever..

but thom yorke said.. "but now pop is dead"
thom is the technically detailing voice ever.. voice in the record cd's = voice in the concert..

but i still lurve techno and experimental music
but pet shop boys said.. "did you see it coming?"

various kind of music too.. alternative of course;
but that at high school era.. greenday, n watsoever.. but noe slow in alt musika.. becoz of many "kids a" likes it.

at last i love my dad's song.. "broery marantika n ebiet"becoz my dad said.. "layan sudaaa.. lgu kamu time tua nnt.."

and i said to my dad.. "sloww nyer lagu...."

but my dad said.. "aku bukan dgr, tp aku hayati lyric dan melody tu.."

the true musika lie on the inside of the song..

and then he told .. "dgr lagu bukan sekadar tok bermegah2 n tnjuk minat kita.. but menghayatinyer lebey penting dr segalanya.."

and then "i wonder..."

what a suc a words that is..

but still love beatle's
because of these statement.. when they were child..
john said to paul; "when i grow up i wanna be in this band performing at strawberry fields.."
john asked paul.. "what can u play?"
paul told john.. "i can play guitar with left hand on the strings.."
and now john and paul created the band call the beatles..
the world are addicted to them.. my god..

so i said.. "what a memory we've had.. "
for those who doesn't feel the music, they'd regret it..

knapa aku rasa bersamangat sahaja ini hari?

Uishh kol 1145 am.. xbuat pape pun lg nih.. sok da peper.. adeeeh.. papaer Entrepneur****!! punyer la susah nak eja.. adeeehh.. apekehei.. aku pun xtau nape aku xstudi2 ag ni.. mybe igt kt die tu kot! ahaks!

eh but btol la.. kalo paper xpenting ni buat aku byk men2! hahaha. aku pun xtau cane.. da la lgu bosan gle.. lgu Opera cine kdai puyuk pasang kt bawah tuh! adeeehh,, nk stdy pun xde mood.. haha.

duk men tenet lg.. walopun tips dpt, tp semangat xdtg ney.. nk suh die dtg tp xlee.. so tggu je la.. tp smpi ble kan? ahaks!

UISH! da2 payeh! satan byk neey! studi2! now innovation topic! chawww~

lame sudaaa tidak bertypist..


im kamin back to this not-so-bored-blog! haha.

wut?? just now its november? since august i left this blog because of the stuipid-bziest things must be done! as usual, project, project , project lg.. n made me call it "project membuang mase".. lol..

haaaiihhh.. buat mcm t*** gak.. mase byk gtu je buang.. adeeh.. tp xpe! now im havin final paper! wowow. . . after this im going to practical! haha.

hope everythin will be okey then! now im happy.. heeee~

Monday, August 24, 2009



alhamdulillah.. just got another sahor in wang ulues~. first sahor ever after came back from holiday.. simple as present tense! rice + ketchup + serunding yeeee.. = kenyang.. hehehe. now time to sleep! ta daaaa~ selamat berpuaseeee!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

asl idup ni cam.......

aku snanye xreti nk bercherita berbunge2 ney.. tp aku sekadar nk lontarkn kesemuanya ape yg aku rase taik selama ney.. aku xpam ah nape idup mesti begini.. byk gler kot dugaan menlanda n mendtg.. penah ase x ditolak dgn tekanan2 x septtnye terjd, n xpsl2 sbb org len buat kite akan tertggung tekanan tu.. aku xpam la... ape nk jd ngn dunia skunk nih.. mmg la nk kiamat da.. kite suma sedar tu.. tp aku xnk abes hayat ngn tidak merasa ape yg aku nak rase.. kebahagian tu.. penatlah pikir.. da dkt 5 tahun pk bnde sama... xnk berubah gak.. ape nk jd, sume ade ego masing2.. pegila ngn ego tuh.. xyah kisah psl tggjwb.. amik ego bwk smpi mati pun xpe.. lepas duk jauh2 nie sume jd xmenentu.. ad relatives pun ntah pape..aku xpam la ngn sume org ney.. semenjak 4 menjak sume mcm pentingkn diri msg2.. asl xde yg bersuare.. nk raya dlm senyap ke sume org?? lantak la.. sedey ah hidup cani.. sume bermuke2.. ade yg bek, xpela same2 tlg kan.. tp yg x berhati perut ni ssh..reti buang anak je, demand mcm2, time nk pertlgan de, wat bodo je,.xpela,walopun aku diam, aku pam keadaan.. jgn harap la aku nk smpi umah korg.. hmmm.. asl sume letak ats kepala org yg xspttnya? ade tggjwb sniri mau pk la.. dlu mase aku kecik aku xtau pape.. mmg.. bes je tgk anak2 buangan korg dtg berseronok ngn aku, skunk sume da besa2 ade ego peting diri xde plak nk cr sape yg jaga asl usul nye smpi korg jd manusia.. tah la..ade lg manusia cani.. xigt kt dosa ke.. masyaallah,berdosa besa tuh.. tahla tggung la sniri, da tua da kot.. aku kdg2 pk btol gak ape yg pihak ney buat, pihak tu buat.. tp kdg2 ape yg dibuat tu di pengaruhi oleh anasir2 yg nk kepentingan diri sniri,, pandai cucuk2.. cucuk yg ni bek ngn yg nie.. mcm2 la perangai,,. asl xnk amek je tggjwb ni tlg jaga.. suh gak org len jage.. tgk la nt korg sakitxdesape nk g tgk.. aku xnk betindak skunk je.. tggu mase yg sesuai, aku nk racun sume pkran anak2 korg.. huh..fish in the tank la kan idup ney.. tp yg akusedey..aku mcm idup takde sape2 lam dunia nih.. dunia ni kosong mcm aku kne berdiri sniri xtahu pape...pandai2 la ko nk idup kan,. mslh sume atas kepala ko skunk.. doa la byk2..


Once Upon A time; at home in jalan telipot Kb..
Perbualan between abg n adik yg sumak..

Efi: org beli mask!

ABe aish: bape riyal?

efi: 1 riyal!

ABe aish: mahal oooohh?

efi: dooooooooooooop~~ murah tuuuuuuuue!
abe aish: wei, oram beli 80sen je la!
efi: uikssss, ni 3 lapis tauuuu!
abe aish:eleeeeyy.. ni kna tipu ney....
efi:beli murah2 pun wat gape kalo xpakai..an an an an?


just left behind or being left behind?

Holaa gracias!
Thursday wut a wonderfull and fool day.. just didnt know wut happen and goin to happen.. really blurry becoz of da smoke from they aedes smoke shooter! hohoho. but it seems not aedes in my room.. that so weird.. mybe the mosquito rexpect me what.. haha. but really through u guys, since im child, if im goin to bush or go to my grandpa farm, the mosquito likes... "naaaah.. payeh je pun.. find another else.." so what?

dont know what to tell here, but its been 2 weeks got dis fever, flu... what soever guys, i just left many works behind man.. other peoples just move faster n faster.. thats why i hate when come to this fever.. trok bebenor kalo kne.. huhuhu.
tetbe perasaan nk marah menjelma! "aarrghh.. asl bising sgt mamat mesin rumput ney! " xmemsl2 kne marah.. nk berkarya pun xle.. adeehh..

da pkol 3, igt nk wat keje.. but u know la kan ble thp kemalasan gle2.. its been like want to hanging around n just sit down n run from this noise!

bulan pose da dkt, adeehhh.. da la dpt pose sari je kt umah... then blk next holiday pun dpt pose sari gak, esk then raye! apekehei.. xpat nk men mecooon!

jap ape yg aku merapu n merepek ney? snanye nye.. just want to say that today is very boring day... all people around me cam down! wut happen? H1n1? huhuhuhu.